What is the Booking.com Genius program?

Asked a year ago

Hello. I've been browsing Booking.com for some time now, as I heard a friend talking about the Genius program the other day. I didn't quite get what it was. Is it like a loyalty program with levels? What kind of discounts does it offer, and how do I apply for them? Thanks for your responses.

Rob Elgar

Rob Elgar

Thursday, March 16, 2023

As you guessed, the Genius program is a leveled rewards system. The program has three levels, with the first being automatically activated when you sign up (you can do this for free with your email and credentials by visiting the booking.com home page). The three levels offer the following rewards:

Level 1:

  • 10-20% discount

Level 2:

  • 10% -20% discount
  • Free breakfast
  • Free room upgrades

Level 3:

  • 10% -20% discount
  • Everything from previous levels
  • Prioritized customer support for every booking

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