How do you get cashback on iHerb?

Asked a year ago

Hey everyone, I've really been getting into health and fitness in the last few months and recently discovered this amazing store, iHerb. One of my friends mentioned that I can actually get permanent discounts and cashback if I buy my supplements through CashYo, but I don't really understand the process. Explain it to me like I'm 5

Daniël de Jager

Daniël de Jager

Thursday, January 19, 2023

You can get up to 5% cashback at iHerb by using CashYo. Head to CashYo's website, search for iHerb, and click Shop Now (be sure to read the instructions on the page first). CashYo will receive a referral bonus every time you shop at iHerb, which they then share with you.

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